Lending institutions and investment firms take on the credit and market risk of business entities. Financiers with exposure to businesses use an incomplete business profile. Their exposure is measured and monitored using financial data, which is a lagging indicator of risk because such financial data is provided on a quarterly or annual basis at best. TRAICE provides a much better measure of risk and early warning of possible defaults by analyzing the digital footprint of a company using big data from news & social media.
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Current Status: Early revenues
Business Model: B2B
Product Description
Our product, TRaiCE, proactively monitors and predicts which businesses will go delinquent. TRAICE quantifies the digital footprint into an easy-to-visualize Business Sentiment Index that enables lenders & investors to see and monitor their exposure. Many leading digital indicators of business distress are barely analyzed let alone monitored. This leaves a massive hole in the proactive and holistic evaluation of the risk profiles of businesses. A comprehensive analysis of business profiles, that leverages both financial & digital data along with automated 24x7 monitoring, can enable financiers to detect and mitigate risk months in advance.
. TRaiCE alerts lenders ahead of time about future defaults so they can take EARLY ACTION to mitigate risk and avoid losses proactively. TRaiCE calculates the probability of delinquency weekly using up-to-date data, tracking it over time for every business in the portfolio.
• TRaiCE has machine learning algorithms that leverage the consolidated data set and key variables to predict a delinquency value for every portfolio and alert the portfolio manager about the top N delinquencies within the portfolio at any given time.
• TRaiCE has algorithms that use natural language generation to create alerts that are human-readable, actionable, and can be integrated with the existing workflows
• TRaiCE automates the above and tracks data and actions historically, whereby it becomes an augmented intelligence system that also self-learns
. TRaiCE boosts efficiencies for processes such as the identification of low-risk profiles that can go through auto-renewals instead of manual, saving the Financial Institution time and resources